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Counselor's Corner

Post Falls Middle School Counselors

Kristi Barnhart (A-L) -
Curtis Trackwell (M-Z) -

Parents, Help Your Child Start the School Year Strong

  • Back to Basics.  Make sure your child is getting enough sleep, exercise and healthy food for a strong start to every day.  Lighted screens like computers, cell phones, video games, tablets, etc. should be turned off about an hour before bedtime to help their brain settle down before sleep.
  • Become familiar with the classes your child is taking.  Knowing this information can help you ask more specific questions about how their day was, i.e. “What did you learn in Science today?”  “Are you building something in Shop?”  Spending time with your child and showing interest in their day goes a long way towards building motivation for school. 
  • Look on the school’s website to become familiar with the school calendar, handbook, staff directory and other valuable information.  You can have up-to-date information on important dates at school, i.e. picture day, the end of the quarter, etc.  This can help you assist your child in being prepared for their upcoming week., click Schools, Post Falls Middle School.
  • Communicate regularly with your child’s teachers.  You can see a list of all of the teachers in the building, as well as the link to get you right to their email.  Email can be an effective communication tool.  And you are always encouraged to call and set up conferences if your child is struggling at school., Schools, Post Falls Middle School, Staff Directory.
  • Help your child build some organizational skills.  Using the agenda (planner) is a very helpful way for students to keep track of all of their homework.  It is also a good tool for parents to use to see what their child is doing at school and can open up doors for conversations and connections.  Make sure they have a system of keeping track of the assignments they have to turn in.  You might want to go through their binder/folders/backpack with them occasionally to make sure everything is in order.  Remember that homework is their responsibility.  If they are really struggling, contact your child’s school Counselor.
  • Check Family Link with your child regularly.  As students progress through their school career, it is important for them to take the reins more and more in order to have a successful school year.  So find out your child’s log-in and password to Family Link (our online tool to check grades throughout the school year.) If you don’t know their password, call the office (773-7554) to ask for their password or to have their account activated.  You can access Family Link at, Family Link.  Then set a time with them to go to Family Link together so you can both see how they are doing.  Could be a time for celebration, or a time to make a plan to change things.
  • And have a great year!

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Career Education
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Counseling Services
Communicating With Your Middle School Child